Announcements from 08.20.2024 meeting:
President Adam Rees chaired the meeting.

The Club's 2016-2017 exchange student, Marimar from Colombia, visited the Club today. She recently graduated from a hotel management and tourism program. She worked for the YMCA of the Rockies at a summer camp before visiting us on her way home to Colombia.
Rotary Announcements:
Paula Chapulis: presented Nick Broyles with golf shirt, which is a new member gift from the district.
Heather Kelm: Peaches are on their way! We need Rotarians to sign up to distribute the peaches at Cash Wise. Distribution is scheduled for Friday, August 23rd from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Saturday, August 24th from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; and Sunday, August 25th from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Look for the volunteer sign-up in your email.
Camp Journey: Brighter Days Grief Center sent an email asking for volunteers for Camp Journey. They are looking for crew to help set up and volunteers to facilitate groups. Shifts are 8:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m on September 14th. They are also in need of some volunteers to help unload equipment at 3pm on September 13th. Volunteer applications are required for background checks. If you're interested please see the following links:
Click here to register.
Click here for the Volunteer Application.
Camp Journey is a day camp this year and they are also looking for assistance sponsoring families. Way you can help is sponsoring projects like tie blankets, snack bags, art supplies, etc. Some families want to stay for the weekend so additional assistance may be needed to help facilitate meal voucher coupons/gift cards, and overnight accommodations. Please reach out to Paula Chapulis if you are able to help in this manner. 
Happy Birthday, Rotarians! We sang happy birthday to our Rotarians with August birthdays.
Sergeant at Arms: Jesse Hopkins fined those of us that failed to order peaches and those of us that have had "attendance issues" recently.
News from Social Media:
Theresa Goble was recently honored for her service to the Mid Minnesota Federal Credit Union Board of Directors with a $500.00 donation in her name to the Brainerd Rotary Foundation, which is an arm of the Brainerd Noon Rotary Club. The Brainerd Rotary Foundation supports many different initiatives in our community including the Rotary Riverside Park along the Mississippi River.

Jessica Wales & Andrea Rusk - Warrior Warehouse 

The Warrior Warehouse is a food and supply pantry that is available for all Brainerd High School students that are in need of food, school supplies, clothes, hygiene supplies, earbuds, household supplies, etc.

It is FREE and confidential. No questions asked! It's private so the kids can feel comfortable using the Warehouse. Last year they estimate the Warehouse was used over 1,000 times.

All items are donated by members of the community. TO DONATE: They do NOT take second hand clothes or shoes due to space limitation. They DO accept: cash, gift cards (Walmart, grocery stores, etc) and checks (payable to: Warrior Warehouse).

You can mail a check to: Brainerd High School, attn: Jessica Wales, 702 S. 5th St. Brainerd, MN 56401. These funds are used to buy clothing and other necessities they don’t have on hand and readily available. They do have a needs list. Also, if you search Warrior Warehouse on Amazon, a wish list will come up. Please contact Jessica Wales at to inquire about what items are needed most. 

Club History from Paula Persons:

August 16, 1944:

The Brainerd Lions Club roared last night to take the third and deciding game of their softball series from the Rotarians 8-1. Moxie Knowlton had a homerun and a double, while Lions pitcher, Carl Peterson, had two doubles. The Lions will be guests soon at a dinner to be served to them by the Rotarians.

08/27/2024: Mary Devine Johnson, Mark Dockendorf, Mike Doran
09/03/2024: Kevin Egan, Debby Erickson, Mark Erickson
09/10/2024: Brad Folta, John Forrest, Michelle Francis
09/17/2024: Dawn Genz, Ray Gildow, Ruth Gmeinder
Upcoming Speakers:
08/27/2024: Adam Rees - Cambodian Medical Mission Part 3
09/10/2024: Paul Johnson - Timber Bay Camp
09/17/2024: Sarah Smith - Smiles for Jake
09/24/2024: Club Meeting Date
10/01/2024: Eric Charpentier - Ryla
You are invited to visit us at an upcoming meeting.
Brainerd Rotary Club meets on Tuesdays at 12pm at the Northland Arboretum (lower level) - 14250 Conservation Dr, Baxter, MN 56425
Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back. Join us here for updates, announcements, and stories.
Reminders, Links, and More Information...
To see our schedule of upcoming speakers, click HERE.  If you have an idea or question, contact Bob Nystrom at
Rotary Youth Exchange
Ricco Janqueira Lemes from Santos SP Brazil will arrive the summer of 2024. If you’d like to be more involved in our youth exchange program and willing to join our Youth Exchange committee, please contact Jesse Hopkins at 218-515-0821 or or
Rotary International Convention:
June 21-25, 2025, Calgary, Canada
Brainerd Club Board
Meeting occurs at 11am on the Second Tuesday of the month at The Northland Arboretum.  Anyone can attend.
Brainerd Foundation Board
Anyone is welcome to join the meeting at 11am on the Third Tuesday of the month at The Northland Arboretum.  More information on Foundation Grants, grant process, grant applications at
Social Media and PR
Please take and share photos of current rotary club events. Share with Allie Verchota or Brian Andrews so we can keep our website and social media platforms current.  Thank you!
LOGIN Information for the websites
Rotary International Website:
  • Click on “MyRotary”
  • Enter your credentials: you will need to create an account if you have not done so yet.  Once that’s done, simply login with your email address. 
  • Find information about our Club.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Ray Gildow
August 2
Jeff Torfin
August 5
Bill Potvin
August 6
Ray Charpentier
August 8
Jennifer Bergman
August 9
Ruth Gmeinder
August 12
Jill Casper
August 17
Mark Dockendorf
August 18
Aaron Antony
August 19
Jennifer Person
August 29
David Winkelman
Mush Winkelman
August 21
Donn Peterson
Donna Peterson
August 26
Join Date
Buford Johnson
August 1, 2006
18 years
Nicholas Barth
August 1, 2023
1 year
Jill Casper
August 15, 2000
24 years
Travis Grossman
August 15, 2023
1 year
Dave Schaeffer
August 25, 2009
15 years
Jeff Birks
August 31, 2004
20 years
Lee Seipp
August 31, 2004
20 years
Rotary Links
Rotary International
RI President Home
Rotary Global Rewards
Joining Rotary
Rotary History
Rotary Foundation
For New Members
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