Paula reminded us that there was NO noon club meeting this coming Tuesday, June 25 because we have the annual Change of Gavel event at the Cragun's Golf Resort Pavilion. Paula thank everyone who RSVP for the event.
Adam Rees asked anyone who is unsure if they signed up, or needs to be added or other changes made to please meet with him after the meeting since the final numbers are given to Graguns on Wednesday June 19.
Julie Anderholm announced that the club foundation board approved 3 grant requests, $1,390 for Port, $1,000 for Ski Loons, and $1,000 for the Crisis Line. Club members were reminded these gifts are made possible because of their contributions and fundraising support.
Rotary Youth Exchange student Samanta thanked everyone as today was her last club day and she is departing soon for her home in Peru. Jesse and Bradford were recognized for their leadership.
Jesse reminded us that Ricco Janqueira Lemes from Santos SP Brazil will be our next student arriving later this summer.
Richard Allen, Chair, Rotary Club of Gainesville, FL Sustainable Cambodia & International Service Committee sent Adam Rees a reminder that we have two upcoming Rotarian-led Trips to Cambodia.
- Nov 16th to 25th, 2024: This will be a small-group trip, and very special as you can arrive a couple of days earlier and be immersed in the colorful and exciting Cambodia Water Festival.
- Jan 11th to 20th, 2025: This trip has been filling up rather rapidly, and will be somewhat larger than November, but equally wonderful (albeit without the Water Festival).
Adam and Buford who have gone on these trips will attest that they are different from anything you may have experienced before. They are led by volunteer Rotarians, both international and Cambodian. You go FAR off the beaten path, out into the rural villages where you get to meet the families. You will be welcomed with celebration. You will get to meet the young SC school students from those distant villages, and the students who grew up in those distant villages and are now attending Cambodian university on SC scholarship. You can engage in hands-on projects and co-teaching if you wish. You will visit a program training African rats to safely sniff out land-mines. And you will visit Angkor Wat, a UNESCO World Heritage site that was once the largest pre-industrial city in the world.
The trips are 10 days long. They are open to everyone and are suitable for young people from middle school onward. Details in the PDFs attached. To sign up, visit here: And if you have gone with us before, we are customizing each trip to accommodate those who have been before, with new experiences. We’d love to have you join us on a trip to Cambodia!
Speakers: Jun 18, 2024: Mark Harlow and the Harlow Nature Photography was introduced by Buford Johnson. Mark is a National Award Winning Nature - Wildlife Photographer from Minnesota. "I do what I do because I truly love Nature and Nature Photography. I don't need (but appreciate) the recognition to keep going. I consider my self a minimalist both photographically and editing wise. The new photography mindset seems to be "get it close, fix it in post". That photo style or mindset does not impress. My motto is... take pride in your exposures and composition. Photograph like you will be judged on your work straight out of camera, with no editing at all. That is how I photograph and what I strive for".
Mark has been involved with photography officially since 1976 (although he was taking pictures whenever possible since 1968. He also chose High End Imaging and Fine Art Printing as a career since 1983. He specialized working with critical color reproductions for many clients over those years. He has been photographing digitally since March 27, 2004. Mark is a staunch Single Mode exclusively... photographer. None of his photography is ever taken with a Pre Burst, Burst or Continuous Drive Mode. ALL images are a one click at a time, especially the action Wildlife action imagery. He never baits, or photographs "Backyard, Personal Private Property", Urban or Suburban subjects. All images shown required loading up his vehicle and going out to locations. All Wildlife is truly wild, all events happened naturally.
He got back in nature photography in 2004 at the urging of his mother. Currently he is working on two documentaries (loons and ottors). For more info visit this web page
6/25/2024: NO CLUB Meeting
Upcoming Speakers:
Jun 25, 2024: Paula Chapulis & Adam Rees - NO Noon Meeting - Change of Gavel ceremony & dinner