With the weather conditions expected to deteriorate overnight, and taking the safety of our members into account, the decision has been made to cancel the Rotary meeting today. I hope you all have the good fortune to hunker down until this passes and hope for safe travels if you must commute.
We had an excellent Club Rotary Visioning Retreat on March 20th. We reviewed the club member survey results and completed a visioning exercise. Past District Governor, Blaine Johnson, facilitated the event.
Please save the date for the Rotary 5580 District Conference held on April 11-13 in Fargo. Here's the link for more info.
The Reverse Raffle will take place on May 16th this year. Our goal is to sell 300 tickets. More information will be coming.
Speaker: Postponed Adam Rees - Cambodia Medical Mission Update.
4/2/2024: Jesse Hopkins, Roy Hurin, Floyd Jensen
4/9/2024: Buford Johnson, Carol Johnson, Heather Kelm
4/16/2024: Matt Kilian, Dan Klement, Annmarie Lacher
4/30/2024: John Landsburg, Mike McConkey, Ed Menk
Upcoming Speakers:
Apr 02, 2024: Pete Mohs and Matt Erickson - The Brainerd Dispatch and the winning of the Vance Trophy ‘Top award for newspaper their size in MN
Apr 09, 2024:Karissa Haugen & Tim Johnson - New head coaches for BHS girl’s & Boy’s golf
Apr 16, 2024: Paula Chapulis - Club meeting date
Apr 23, 2024: Daniel Meyer - Update on Lakes Area Music Festival and what the 2024 season will bring
Apr 30, 2024: Matt Kilian , Paul Augustinak and Leah Boedigheime - Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce- The start of WAVE OR Young Professionals Network
You are invited to visit us at an upcoming meeting.
Brainerd Rotary Club meets on Tuesdays at 12pm at the Northland Arboretum (lower level) - 14250 Conservation Dr, Baxter, MN 56425
Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back. Join us here for updates, announcements, and stories.
To see our schedule of upcoming speakers, click HERE. If you have an idea or question, contact Bob Nystrom at robertnystrom5@gmail.com.
Rotary Youth Exchange
Samanta Candia Aguirre - from Peru arrived this summer. If you’d like to be more involved in our youth exchange program and willing to join our Youth Exchange committee, please contact Jesse Hopkins at 218-515-0821 or jesse.hopkins@hhrarchitecture.com or jesse.david.hopkins@gmail.com.
Rotary International Convention:
May 25-29, 2024, Singapore.
Brainerd Club Board
Meeting occurs at 11am on the Second Tuesday of the month at The Northland Arboretum. Anyone can attend.
Please take and share photos of current rotary club events. Share with Allie Verchota allie.verchota@deerwoodbank.com or Brian Andrews executivedirector@larjp.org so we can keep our website and social media platforms current. Thank you!