Announcements from 6.11.2024 meeting:
Paula shared that in 1995 our club sponsored the Aitken's rotary club.  She thanked Paula Persons for providing the club history she's been sharing.  The June Birthdays and anniveraries were celebrated. Please RSVP by June 14 for the June 25, 2024 annual Change of Gavel event at Cragun's Golf Resort Pavilion.  Adam, Michelle, and Heather will work on next years budget.
Aaron Antony led the ditch pickup with 16 volunteers Monday night.  They met at Safari North and pizza & beverages followed at the Welcome Center. An award was given for the most interesting object found and this years winner is Aaron.  No one is sure what it is but the shape invited much silly explanations.
Pete Nelson provided a Rotary park update.  The solar project will likely go forward from the park board because of much support offered by the Brainerd Public Utilities.  We also learned that we will likely proceed with the bird viewing deck this year as additional approvals from state authorities are not needed.
Michelle Francis announced a task force was being formed to develop club criteria to nominate and approve honorary rotary memberships.  Please contact her if you are interested in helping in this area.
Nick Barth was our monthly Rotary Notary.  He attended the University of Anchorage, and opened a wine bar in St Peter, hosted and organized wine events, owned a bar, was a brewer and now works for Bernick’s. He has many interests including rock climbing.  Since July 2023 he lives in Baxter MN and is married with 4 children attending the area schools.
Speakers: Carol Johnson shared updates on Brighter Days and Camp Journey and introduced our speaker Carolyn Kinzel, president, founder and executive director.
Their mission is to provide a private and compassionate space for individuals anticipating or enduring the death of a family member; to offer access to professional resources; and to instill hope by providing connection to others through peer-based events and activities.
Their values include: Respect for each other and for anyone that visits our center;  Integrity in the work we do and the words we speak; Compassion for each person, and for every circumstance; Confidentiality and respect of every individual’s right to privacy.
Camp Journey this year will be held on Saturday Sept 14, 2024 (approximately 8am to 5PM) and at no cost for clients.  It will be a family day camp including grandparents. So far 25 individuals signed up, about 5-6 families. This year is a pilot and then they will grow it next year. Usually they hold 150 people. The goal is to transition the kids to an overnight camp. They also run a camp in twin cities. 

They need volunteers for camp and are looking for sponsors. For more info use this LINK to see their web page ( or reach out directly to Carolyn at
Additional ditch pick up images:

6/18/2024: Donald Ryan, Dave Schaeffer, Lee Seipp
6/25/2024: NO CLUB Meeting
Upcoming Speakers:
Jun 18, 2024: Mark Harlow - Harlow Nature Photography
Jun 25, 2024: Paula Chapulis & Adam Rees - NO Noon Meeting - Change of Gavel ceremony & dinner
You are invited to visit us at an upcoming meeting.
Brainerd Rotary Club meets on Tuesdays at 12pm at the Northland Arboretum (lower level) - 14250 Conservation Dr, Baxter, MN 56425
Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back. Join us here for updates, announcements, and stories.
Reminders, Links, and More Information...
To see our schedule of upcoming speakers, click HERE.  If you have an idea or question, contact Bob Nystrom at
Rotary Youth Exchange
Samanta Candia Aguirre - from Peru arrived the summer of 2023. If you’d like to be more involved in our youth exchange program and willing to join our Youth Exchange committee, please contact Jesse Hopkins at 218-515-0821 or or
Rotary International Convention:
May 25-29, 2024, Singapore.
Brainerd Club Board
Meeting occurs at 11am on the Second Tuesday of the month at The Northland Arboretum.  Anyone can attend.
Brainerd Foundation Board
Anyone is welcome to join the meeting at 11am on the Third Tuesday of the month at The Northland Arboretum.  More information on Foundation Grants, grant process, grant applications at
Social Media and PR
Please take and share photos of current rotary club events. Share with Allie Verchota or Brian Andrews so we can keep our website and social media platforms current.  Thank you!
LOGIN Information for the websites
Rotary International Website:
  • Click on “MyRotary”
  • Enter your credentials: you will need to create an account if you have not done so yet.  Once that’s done, simply login with your email address. 
  • Find information about our Club.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Kev Egan
June 24
Michelle Francis
June 26
Eric Peterson
June 27
John Fitzpatrick
June 28
Spouse Birthdays
Bonnie Nelson
June 26
Mike Burton
Kathleen Burton
June 1
Gloria Mink
Wes Mink
June 12
Join Date
Aaron Antony
June 1, 2019
5 years
Mike Burton
June 1, 1972
52 years
Curtis Nielsen
June 2, 1989
35 years
Jeff Torfin
June 2, 2009
15 years
Joseph Paine
June 20, 2023
1 year
Brian Andrews
June 21, 2022
2 years
Eric Charpentier
June 21, 2022
2 years
Tim Ramerth
June 21, 2011
13 years
Allie Verchota
June 22, 2021
3 years
Rod Carlson
June 23, 1989
35 years
Rotary Links
Rotary International
RI President Home
Rotary Global Rewards
Joining Rotary
Rotary History
Rotary Foundation
For New Members
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