Paula chaired the meeting and reminded us that our Club Rotary Visioning Retreat is scheduled for March 20th, 4:30PM to 8:30PM. A survey of club members was sent by the Past District Governor, Blaine Johnson, to club members by email on 1-23-2024. This survey is anonymous so please be honest and candid with your responses, and complete the survey by Wednesday, February 21, 2024 . The survey should only take 10 minutes of your time. Please save the date for the Rotary 5580 District Conference held on April 11-13.
Pete Nelson shared a Rotary Park solar grant that was approved and ROTARY AWARENESS DAY at the CAPITOL on Monday, February 19, 2024, 9am - 1pm. The goal is to socialize, tell our Rotary story to legislators, and to hear from them about state efforts related to our programs and values. We have several Rotarian-legislators who will be greeting us. We are also introducing a Rotary license plate bill to create proceeds directed to our foundations.
Brad Folta and Samanta Aguirre our youth exchange student from Peru attended the Deep Portage Rendezvous in Hackensack MN on Saturday. Despite the cold much fun was had by all.
Buford Johnson auctioned two donated Rotary ties for $25 with Pete Nelson winning the bid.
Adam announced our first "2024 Rotary Winter Social" for members, spouses and friends. This will be on Thursday, February 8, 2024, from 5pm to 7pm at Woodlore Cider, 5475 Pioneer Trail, Brainerd MN. At 5:30pm Josh Gazelka, owner and creator of award winning cider, will provide an operational tour and teach us how to make hard cider. For more information goto their web site
Speaker: Paula Chapulis - focused our club meeting on the club organizational chart (revisions noted) and had each leader discuss their areas of responsibility and future needs. Paula noted a president nominee is needed for 2024 as Michelle Francis and Adam Rees step into their new roles July 2024. Adam, International Services Chair, announced that Sustainable Cambodia began grant work now that all 16 clubs participating and 12 Districts released funding for the $222,178 two-year project. Our club and district combined raised $10k to support this effort. Brad Folta and Jesse Hopkins requested volunteers to support rotary youth exchange, and Buford Johnson left material by the entrance/check-in table for Rotary International Foundation gifts (addition to quarterly club dues, contribute directly to RI by check or credit card, or use RI online).
Aaron Antony - Community Service and Fundraising Chair discussed his teams and their accomplishments. Michelle Francis - President Nominee and New Generations Youth Chair explained that the morning club is involved with Interact and we have an opportunity to join them. STRIVE needs someone to take over for Michelle when her new leadership duties start. Please contact her for more information. Lastly, Camp Journey control has been transferred to the Brighter Days Foundation along with funds. Allie - Public Relations Committee Chair reviewed the responsible areas and shared that service service above self needs a member to help lead the transition effort to a larger organization. Todd Bymark reviewed the Membership Committee and activities. Paula explained that Julie Anerholm - Rotary Foundation Club President will be stepping down and Carl Sneep will take over in July 2024.
Paula encouraged members to reach out and join the leadership teams and thanked everyone for their service.
1/30/2024: Jeff Birks, Mike Bjerkness, Dan Brown
2/6/2024: Debra Bultnick, Mike Burton, Todd Bymark
2/13/2024: Rod Carlson, Jill Casper, Eric Charpentier
2/20/2024: Ray Charpentier, Paul Cibuzar, Dutch Cragun
2/27/2024: Mary Devine Johnson, Mark Dockendorf, Mike Doran
Upcoming Speakers:
Jan 30, 2024: Amy Eppen - Ann Bancroft Foundation
Feb 06, 2024: Bradford Folta - Geography, Maps and everything in between
Feb 13, 2024: Katie Heppner - CLC Small Business coordinator
Feb 20, 2024: Paula Chapulis - Club meeting date
You are invited to visit us at an upcoming meeting.
Brainerd Rotary Club meets on Tuesdays at 12pm at the Northland Arboretum (lower level) - 14250 Conservation Dr, Baxter, MN 56425
Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back. Join us here for updates, announcements, and stories.
To see our schedule of upcoming speakers, click HERE. If you have an idea or question, contact Bob Nystrom at
Rotary Youth Exchange
Samanta Candia Aguirre - from Peru arrived this summer. If you’d like to be more involved in our youth exchange program and willing to join our Youth Exchange committee, please contact Jesse Hopkins at 218-515-0821 or or
Rotary International Convention:
May 25-29, 2024, Singapore.
Brainerd Club Board
Meeting occurs at 11am on the Second Tuesday of the month at The Northland Arboretum. Anyone can attend.
Please take and share photos of current rotary club events. Share with Allie Verchota or Brian Andrews so we can keep our website and social media platforms current. Thank you!