Announcements from 11.26.24 meeting:
President Adam Rees chaired the meeting.
Rotary Announcements
Jeff Birks: December 7, 2024, is our day for Salvation Army Bell Ringing. 11 slots only have one person so please sign up! Please see your email for the sign up list.
Paula Persons: Darrell Schneider Sr passed away last night. He was president of our club from 2001-2002.
Mark Dockendorf: Invited the Club to Community night at Prairie Bay:
Adam Rees: Invited the Club to the 4th Annual Jingle & Mingle at Roundhouse Brewery:
Future Meetings
December 24, 2024, & December 31, 2024, meetings will be cancelled.
Change of Gavel will be held on June 17, 2025, at Cragun's. We will not have a noon meeting that day.
Sergeant at Arms
Aaron Antony fined anyone that has not watched a Vikings game in it's entirety this year. He also fined anyone that got a deer this hunting season.
Rotary Notary
Keith Binggeli shared some of his history with the Club. Keith is originally from St. Louis, MO. He spent four years in the Army stationed in Germany. Keith's lived in the Brainerd Lakes area for 21 years. He and his wife, Deb, have two daughters. Before retiring about three years ago, Keith worked at Landis + Gyr. Keith now works for himself running a sound and production company working with several bands and local non-profits. 
Adam Rees - Thanksgiving and the Attitude of Gratitude
Adam spoke to the Club about choosing a positive attitude and having an attitude of gratitude.
Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it everyday. - Henry Nouwen
12/03/2024: Adam Rees, Shane Riffle, Jim Roelofs
12/10/2024: Donald Ryan, Dave Schaeffer, Lee Seipp
12/17/2024: Sarah Smith, Kevin Thesing, Allie Verchota
12/24/2024: No Meeting
12/31/2024: No Meeting
12/03/2024: Rotary Notaries
12/10/2024: Dan Hegstad - Overlanding Adventures
12/17/2024: Club Meeting Day
12/24/2024: No Meeting
12/31/2024: No Meeting
You are invited to visit us at an upcoming meeting.
Brainerd Rotary Club meets on Tuesdays at 12pm at the Northland Arboretum (lower level) - 14250 Conservation Dr, Baxter, MN 56425
Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back. Join us here for updates, announcements, and stories.
Reminders, Links, and More Information...
To see our schedule of upcoming speakers, click HERE.  If you have an idea or question, contact Bob Nystrom at
Rotary International Convention:
June 21-25, 2024, Calgary, Canada.
Brainerd Club Board
Meeting occurs at 11am on the Second Tuesday of the month at The Northland Arboretum.  Anyone can attend. 
Brainerd Foundation Board
Anyone is welcome to join the meeting at 11am on the third Tuesday of the month at The Northland Arboretum.  More information on Foundation Grants, grant process, grant applications at
Social Media and PR
Please take and share photos of current rotary club events. Share with Allie Verchota or Brian Andrews so we can keep our website and social media platforms current.  Thank you!
LOGIN Information for the websites
Rotary International Website:
  • Click on “MyRotary”
  • Enter your credentials: you will need to create an account if you have not done so yet.  Once that’s done, simply login with your email address. 
  • Find information about our Club.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Michael McConkey
November 4
Loren Beilke
November 9
Bradford Folta
November 13
Andy Rangen
November 20
Adam Rees
November 23
Mary Devine Johnson
November 30
Join Date
Paula Persons
November 1, 1995
29 years
Carol Johnson
November 2, 2010
14 years
Mike Bjerkness
November 8, 2011
13 years
Bill Potvin
November 14, 1989
35 years
Jesse Hopkins
November 14, 2006
18 years
Linda Hanson
November 14, 1995
29 years
John Fitzpatrick
November 21, 1967
57 years
Dan Klement
November 28, 1976
48 years
Trevor Pumnea
November 30, 2023
1 year
Rotary Links
Rotary International
RI President Home
Rotary Global Rewards
Joining Rotary
Rotary History
Rotary Foundation
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